Hamvention 2023

Hamvention 2023 has concluded.

Icom ID-50A

The ID-52A is going to be a big brother! The new baby's name is ID-50A. It has the styling of an ID-52, with a display reminiscent of an ID-51 or ID-53. Notable features include a USB-C port and ST-ID50A/ST-ID50W companion app (Android/Windows) that requires a USB-C cable connection between devices. Based on ID-50E price listings in Europe, my initial guess is an MSRP of $500-550.

Pre-orders via: Gigaparts, Ham Radio Outlet (HRO)

New Kenwood D-STAR HT?

We may also see the announcement of a Kenwood TH-D75, which looks similar to a TH-D74, possibly a little thinner. Time will tell! MSRP for the D74 was $650, but since it's no longer available, I'm guessing the D75 will slide into that price point.

D-Star Information

The Dayton gateway W8RTL^^B will be linked to D-Extra X-Reflector XRF038C during Hamvention weekend. D-Plus REF038C will also be available for the weekend on W8RTL^^C.

Use 446.1000 Digital Code Squelch CSQL use #13 as a D-Star simplex frequency at Hamvention.